Current Online Information

As I come across research and articles online, related to outdoor time, nature study, unstructured play, I will share the links here.  Check back often for new postings!

I have not read, in detail, every single article posted here.  I have skimmed many, and posted others so that I can easily find them to read at a later time.  I trust that as discerning adults you will read from it, taking the meat, and leaving the bones, so to speak.

Best Toys

By David Sobel

Environmental Education

Forest Kindergartens and Beyond


Nature Based Education

Nature Study

Health Benefits of Time in Nature

Importance of Play

 Play:  It's the Way Young Children Learn - - May-June 2007

Play and Children's Learning - NAEYC Article 

Play and Learning in Early Care and Education Settings - -  March 2011

 Summary and Recommendations of Crisis in Kindergarten:  Why Children Need to Play in School - from Alliance for Childhood by Edward Miller and Joan Almon

Screens vs. Nature

Nature and Spiritual Connections

Unschooling & Nature

Urban Nature Education