Come Prepared
If you've just signed up for a group or you've decided to come for the day, it's very important you come prepared. Being prepared will help you get the most out of the experience.
This list of items is for everyone attending (that means you, too grownups!)
healthy snacks
(whole foods, minimal packaging preferred, it may seem nitpicky, but it's important to us)
mud boots
(again, this may seem nitpicky, but seriously, crocks, flip flops, scandals just do not cut it here, sneakers and hiking boots are okay, but mud boots are best!)
water bottles
(again, one per person, not one to share)
nature journals & drawing utensils
(not sure what to do? go to the Nature Journaling section and check out the ideas there.)
an extra change of clothing
(again, I can't stress this enough, this means you, too, grown ups, I've sent home more soggy, muddy grown ups than I have kids...why? because they refuse to believe they might actually need a spare change of clothes before its over)
pocket knives
optional if desired
bag/picnic lunch
this is for those who are coming for day long programs or those who are here for morning sessions and might want to stay and visit together and have lunch before heading off.
We will be outside, traipsing through woods and fields and exploring near water. Please do not bring treasured items that can be lost or damaged. If they must come along, than plan to leave them in the car while we explore.
Don't bring cell phones. I will ask you to leave them in the car also. There are rare exceptions to this, if your children are older and slightly more self-sufficient, then I may ask you to be in charge of taking pictures for us. However, the general rule is, leave the cell phone in the car. Trust me, you won't have time to look at it anyway!