What folks are saying:
An overseas mom who has only read about some of what I do recently, in desperation, gave it a try. Here's what she sent me:
I remembered you earlier and your nature-themed curriculum. J had a tantrum (possibly brought about by his lack of sleep) and was being rude and aggressive. I took him outside (thankfully we live next to an empty lot that has lots of plants and trees) and reminded him of family rules and Bible verses on respect for parents and such. I then left him under a tree and told him to think about what he did and went back in to make coffee (to calm me down!). I was honestly surprised that after a little more crying, he calmed down and was just sitting there, looking deep in thought. After awhile he went off exploring. Nature is a really powerful thing! And it seemed to work because he was in a much better mood and disposition after that.
S. really enjoyed when they all actually got in the pond with the creatures and could see them up close and touch them and truly be in their environment.
S. in Midcoast Maine
Here's a sample of what the kids have to say after they've attended one of our programs.
"Where do I sign up for next year?"
- L age 9
"But I don't wanna go home!"
-M age 5
"I loved the moth and bat game!"
- H age 9
"My favorite thing was playing tag."
- H age 6
"I liked the hike and looking for bugs. I learned what a leaf hopper is."
J age 11
"I liked looking for all different kinds of rocks."
D age 8